Directions to Monastery Watermoon

The Wassermond monastery can be easily reached by car and train.

Arriving by car

The easiest way to reach the Wassermond monastery is by car. Parking spaces are available on the grounds of the monastery.

It is best to use the Google Maps route planner with the coordinates shown below. To do this, click on the “View larger map” area. You will be redirected either to the mobile application (smartphone) or to a new window (web browser).

Coockies plugins must be deactivated for use, otherwise the coordinates will not be visible!

Directions from Kerkwitz train station to the Watermoon monastery

Turn right out of Kerkwitz station, walk 400 m along the main road to the next crossroads, then turn right to the fork in the road (there is a bench). Turn diagonally left into the forest. Follow the path for approx. 1 km. At the allotment site, turn left into the forest again. Go through the gate. The entrance to the monastery is on the right.

The walk takes approx. 30 minutes and is not suitable for wheeled suitcases.

Google Maps only works to a limited extent on this route due to bad connection.

Way from the train station Kerkwitz to the monastery Watermoon